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What if the toxic is you?

There is a very unhealthy trend in this "cancel culture" society that says we need to cut out every single toxic person in our life. While at times there is a need for us to place hard lines, to cut out every single person that crosses a line, doesn't give room for Christ.

As Christians, we're supposed give room for Christ to redeem.

The problem with cutting out people is that we don't give room for their humanity and in turn we don't give room for our own humanity.

Does that mean we are supposed to enable abuse? Of course not! But often times people are toxic subconsciously. We all have toxic traits and behaviors that Jesus needs to work out of us. Everyday we are to be sanctified to His image. (Sanctified meaning cleaned)

There are subtle ways that we are working out the toxicity. We all have pride and manipulation and wrong motives. But what do we do when we are confronted with our sin? How do we respond when someone is sharing their grievance with us?

We are to acknowledge them. They are allowed to feel whatever they feel. Then we bring their complaint before God and ask God to examine us. Ask the Holy Spirit to confront you about the sin.

If there is sin, we are called to repent of it. We want to cover it up and excuse it away. It's embarrassing after all, the level of our sin. But if we want to live free and holy lives, then we are to call our sin for what it is-sin.

We have to be willing to confront ourselves and let others confront us too. We don't have to like the messenger or the message but to ignore it won't help us. If we can't see ourselves for who we truly are then we have deceived ourselves. The main reason we don't want to admit we are toxic is our pride. Pride either derides others or elevates ourselves. (Sometimes it's both.) We will pick apart the messenger to find flaws that make us look better and them look worse. When we have justified that they're not worthy, then it makes ignoring the message easier. Pride a downfall too many people can't let go of. Pride refuses to see it's own toxicity.

But if you're a Christian, then pride dies on the cross. Everyday is a day for you to acknowledge your own sinful behavior and crucify it. How can we be filled with pride when we daily remember what Jesus has done for us? We very well could be the toxic one. Don't let pride blind you. Relationships are more important than our form of self-preservation. After all... Jesus left all His comfort and self-preservation to redeem our relationship.

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